August 2016

Tarekpukat - Nowadays, we often hear in the print and electronic media cases in the household, even some of them have ended in the green table religious court, it can not be separated from their respective roles of husband and wife in a foster home, in one side of his wife sometimes forget their obligations and on the other hand he was always demanding their rights to the husband. Likewise, a husband, not infrequently he forgot his duty as a head of family and continue to assert their rights to his wife. Yet everything had been arranged by religion, the husband is obliged to provide maintenance to his wife, and in return, the wife must be obedient and submissive to her husband.

In this case, living in question is the need clothing, food and more, the husband is obliged to provide clothing, food and shelter to his wife, and the husband is not obliged to meet the needs of b1ologis wife, but the husband is required to maintain his wife from committing immoral, including to prevent it from doing adultery, thus indirectly, the affairs of the bed is a thing that must be considered by a husband.

But the extent where patience woman in this case, is permissible for the husband to not leave the inner living for one or two months? is it okay for husbands to leave it for a year? in this case, religion imposes limits the extent of permissible for the husband to not provide for his wife, the book of Al-Mahalli described is not justifiable for a husband to not provide a living mind of his wife in a period of more than four months, because four months is the limit of the patience of a woman in the case of these matters, it is based on a story companions of the Prophet, which is the story of Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidina Umar on a night walk in the town square medina, then he listened to a woman who recite the following:

Indeed, the night really was a long and some have passed, lonely lover who can not take a joke ria I have woken me.
For the sake of Allah ! If it were not for fearing punish the banks of these beds would really shake violently.
But the shame and fear of the Lord prevented me.
And I was worried it would interfere with my husband to achieve a high degree.

Then Sayyidina Umar approached him and said: "where did your husband go?" He replied: "he has long gone to war in Allah. Sayyidina Umar then go home and ask his daughter hafsah: "How long a woman can refrain from dealing with her husband?" Hafsah answered: "Four months, more than that he is his patience would run out or stay a little bit".

After this incident, Sayyidina Umar create policies that war time should not be more than four months, it is that women are not suffering from the loneliness of their beloved husbands touch.

Four months is the last limit or length restriction if the measure is the month, while weekly is four days. So that one of the lessons why only males are allowed polygamy to four is due to restrictions sense of patience of desire in women is four days so that if someone has four wives, then he will be able to meet the needs of a living mind his four wives each week without making them wait more than four day and were disappointed.

Reference: Mahalli juz 4 page 11

Tarekpukat - Alif Mubarak one of the children in the village conglomerates. After high school parents Alif had planned him to lecture at UKN (University Kebangsaan Malaysia). Two days before departure Alif to Malaysia, he attended a seven-day one of his friend's father died. There Alif amazed at his age have been able to stand in front of the crowd, in the heart Alif said, "Will I be like him?". That question continues to haunt Alif to the point that she could not sleep that night.

The next day Alif expressed his intention to boarding school and cancel her studies UKN. But what happens both parents Alif surprised to hear requests Alif to the extent that the mother Alif said, "Lif, what mothers do not hear you correctly?, Alif tau dropout dayah have no future, about what to eat Alif later when the father and mother are gone?" , Alif was silent without a word, the tears kept rolling down her cheeks "Not what mother, Alif is already pleased with all the provisions of Allah. Alif beg the pleasure of mother and father, forgive Alif father, mother. Alif really thirsty science of religion ". Parents Alif just interrupt their long breath "Never mind, son, when you plan to dayah?". Alif was responding to a question of the mother "Tomorrow mother", "Do not speed elevators?" Said the mother. Alif replied "Even Alif was too late mother". But the mother did not understand the intent Alif "It's too late".

Right in October 2009 ushered Alif both parents to a boarding school, there Alif trying to reach the expectations that had been with him in some time ago. Gone Safinatun naja book, Matan At-Taqrib, Al-Bajuri, I'anatul Thalibin and Mahalli.

In 1437 H coincides with October 2015 Alif even already be in Mudi for 8 years. Poorer during the 8 Alif in boarding school, a day Alif rarely home.

At 09:30 suddenly the phone rang sign Alif incoming messages.
"Salamun 'Alaika Alif Mubarrak, longing we wait smoldering presence. Dad always mentioned your name Alif. Go home, even for a moment we were waiting for your presence in the hospital ". sister Zaifa

He snapped without thinking he was leaving home with his beloved motorcycle. In the three-hour journey he came to the hospital after a long time he had never met mainly with relatives.

Alif: Assalamualaikum mother
Mother: Wa'alaikum greeting Alif (mother hugged Alif that has long been missing from him). 
Alif: Mother, Who does it hurt? Father where the mother?
Mother: Father comma lif, now in the ICU
Alif: Ya ​​Allah (Alif cry at once it burst atmosphere was quiet, now changed with tears). Mother let Alif to pray.

Mother: Yes, son.
After praying dhuhur, Alif pray to God. "O God, my soul is within your grasp, forgive all my sins, accept all supplications, give healing to my father, O God, give the opportunity for her child slave became a father while there and when the father shut eye".

Move the fingers of his father, a miracle occurred. It is remarkable in the children's prayer thank God without intermediaries. Then my father moved to the VIP room for treatment, where Ali flah who became a friend's father, accompanied father to the bathroom, to guide her ablutions father to believing prayer. Alif always chanting the holy Qur'an verse finishes from his prayer. At that time read Ar-Rahman Alif.

Dad: ... Alif Alif ... A voice, the father called Alif, Alif lap just to the father and the father seems to have been on the verge of death's door.

Dad: Alif ... Dad would go, son, father banga have a son like you. Thank you, dear. Alif shed tears, unable to Alif weir. Alif: Dad .. Say syahadah. "Asyhaduanla ilahaillah, waasyha du anna Muhammadur Rasulullah, asyhaduanla ilahaillah, waasyha du anna Muhammadur Rasulullah".

Dad: "Asyhaduanla ilahaillah, waasyha du anna Muhammadur Rasulullah".

Alif superbly father died and seven days ended. How happy Alif because he is carrying out fard ain parents. On a night longing Alif Allah. "O God thou hast perfected as a child slave for parents servants, thanks to the presence of God, forgive the sins of my parents, unlawful hellfire to them, let me bear all they have done. I apologize to you, let them pass through thy reckoning later quickly to get to heaven your eternal ".

"Amen" It sounds Alif invite the whole family expert, suddenly the mother by the shoulders Alif.
Mother: Alif sorry dear mother. Alif was actually the one who got the future, especially before God.

Tarekpukat - This is a story of a bride's last prostration. This story happened in Abha, capital of Asir province of Saudi Arabia. A story that is worth considering and internalized in order to add to the faith.

"After conducting evening prayers he decorated, using a beautiful white wedding dress, preparing for a wedding.

Then he heard the call Isha, and he realized that his ablution has been canceled.

She said to her mother: "Mom, I want to perform ablutions and evening prayers."

Her mother was surprised: "Are you crazy?
Guests have been waiting to see you,
what about your make-up?
Everything will be washed by water.

"Then her mother added:" I am your mother, and the mother told them not to pray now!
By Allah, if you perform ablutions now, she will be angry with you "

His son replied: "By Allah, I will not go out of this room, to my prayer.

Mother, mothers should know "that there is no obedience to a creature in disobedience to the Creator" !!

His mother said: "What will our guests about you, when you perform in your wedding without make-up ??
You will not look pretty in their eyes !, and they will make fun of you!

His son said with a smile: "Would you be afraid because I will not look beautiful in the eyes of the creature ?.
What about the Creator? What I fear is that if the cause loss of prayers, I will not look pretty in the eyes of Him (Allah) ".

Then he perform ablutions, and the whole make-up washed. But he did not find a problem with it.
Then he began his prayer. And when he prostrated, he did not realize it, that it would be his last prostration.

The bride was died in a beautiful way, prostrate before her Creator.
Yes, he died in a state of prostration. What a fabulous end to a Muslim firm to comply with his Lord!

Many people were touched listening to this story. He has made God and obedience to Him as Top Priority.

By : Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al Ahmad.

Tarekpukat - The present era is changing everything. The world today is like a small village, what happened, anytime, anywhere can affect anyone. When the first to know an update takes several days or hours, now takes only a few minutes to access or permeates every data. Be we are now a generation that is silent because the world is already too (at) within us.

The generation that is not disturbed when dealing with a monitor or keypad on the latest gadgets. Human beings are very practical, even hyper-pragmatic, with a slim but solid bag contents and meaning: no world in his pocket, in a form that is no larger than a cigarette pack. data access, word, and meaning only with a pinch on the screen box. With the tip of his index we scan the universe in the grasp of the speed of visual and cognitive incredible, that's the picture now. We now can not run from this fact but the question is whether we are in the data? Or vice versa, the data resides within us?

Actually, with such rapid advancement of information technology era or affords a great opportunity for us to do and scan all the things that are useful for many people. If you want to talk to be honest we're still on the runway, everyone is now vying to make the current.

In various media in accordance with their interests, we just still a whisper peeper over mistakes made them. It takes hard work and a myriad of spirit to follow the flow of information now in favor, we should be the main supplier of data in all lines according to capacity, so not just get caught up in the flow but go with the flow with the style and tone of each.

In my opinion an atmosphere such as this, we as educated people, who have a great moral responsibility, whether for religion, or nation, should bring in the data flow through write, write whatever course in accordance with the capacity. Our data is too low, or even very thin to consume a lot of people. Let Disarm yourself by writing

Tarekpukat - In the present life, the obligation for a parent of a child has been largely forgotten. It was sad to see in every newspaper and various media always abuse and torture for parents going on around us. One cause further lack of respect of a child against the person who gave birth to her is because of the education he received was not balanced by the evil influence that every day in the life.

Therefore, the lesson of the obligations of a child against the parents need to be encouraged again, so as not to be taboo in the future. The Rights of Children Against Parents

Whether any man, surely the most meritorious against him are his parents. Services parents will never be able to pay nothing, or nothing can equal it for someone. These several parts:

 1. Have childbirth

How great we are, or how eloquently we are today, it all would not exist if they did not bore us. They have been the cause of our birth into this world. Without them, we are only mortal without form.

Maybe we deny it by saying, "I never told them gave birth to me, to what I have to serve them." Yes, if you'd like of course they will say, "If we know you to be a bitch like this, who's willing to bring you. Already since our tangible piece of meat you throw into the ditch". But the average parent would not say like this. Their affection is too big to be defeated cheap emotion. If their children are evil, they can do just shut up and cry. Quite often they even blame themselves incompetent in educating.

When we are virtuous people like human beings, we will not forget the greatest merit of this. Instead we will make it as the main reason to serve and fulfill their rights. Especially mothers, sick and tired tired in childbirth and contains incalculable. For men do not even dare to imagine. How could we forget their toil this?

If we look at the mother, how during the nine months was pregnant with difficulty, even when giving birth, a mother must wrestle with death, as if the right foot in the hereafter and the left foot in the world, it was all done for the sake of a beloved child who later was expected to be able to be their greatest source of happiness.

 2. Provide a living
Dad, who can deny the services to a child. How many have spent their wealth to us, if we count from birth to adulthood may be enough to buy a car. Immeasurably how much sweat that have been issued, incalculable how much pain he's going through to raise us. A difficult thing we know before we actually have children of their own.

Have you ever seen a frail old man still works? Yes, wherever we

can find it, because almost all parents can not be careless while their children starve, or not enough clothes. He forgot age getting late, the rules when he was aged 60 years and over, the task is no longer holding a hoe, or fouled him in the fields. He was supposed to sit at home, and reproduce remembrance practice. Her son had been the whip for him to go on and continue working.

Therefore, it is appropriate that a child is loved them and obey their wishes, except in the unlawful and religiously forbidden. Already we hear many stories of how the trouble disobeying parents, how the history of a boy who disobeys his parents. It's just such stories have begun away from the ears of children now so that what was once the most feared gradually faded swallowed an incessant bustle.

Remember, that no matter how successful we are, if the parents are not pleased with, so God is not pleased with her. Allah's approval on the pleasure of the parents. If God is not pleased with us, for this is our life? For what the treasure wallowing surrounds us?

Allah. speak;

وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا إما يبلغن عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما

Meaning: And thy Lord ordered you not worship except Him, and be ye kind to mother your father with the best - well, if one among the two or both have aged in the maintenance of you, then do not once - once you say to the two words "ah "and do not yell at them and say to those noble words. [Q.S al-Isra 23].

Prophet Muhammad said: "Heaven under your mother's feet" In another hadith says: "Allah's approval is in the pleasure of the parents, and the wrath of God is in the wrath of the parents".

Among other things to be aware of a child is not applicable manners in front of them. No matter how we are annoyed with them, we should not take it. Because if their hearts are hurt, we can be damned.

Hopefully the rights and duties of children towards their parents can benefit and become an afterthought for us how far we are happy they are.

Tarekpukat -  Effect of crying for too long will make the eyes become red and swollen, and many people said could reduce crying tears, but that's a myth. Behind it all crying and tears turned out to be a miracle drug that is useful for a healthy body and mind. Any miracle tears?

The function of the tear and the health of your eyes. And make sure the weep because of Allah.
  1. Help sight Tears turned out to help the vision of a person, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eye to prevent dehydration in the eye that can make the vision become blurred.
  2. Killing bacteria Needless eye drops, enough tears that serves as an antibiotic. Tears in the contained fluid called with lisozom to kill approximately 90-95 cent bacteria-bacteria left behind on the computer keyboard, banisters, sneezing and places that contain bacteria, in just 5 minutes.
  3. Improve mood Someone who can cry because lower levels of emotion by crying, mood will rise again. Tears resulting from crying because emotion contains 24 cent protein albumin are useful in regulating the body's metabolic system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes. 
  4. Removing toxins Biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies on tears and see that the tears that came out of the result of emotional crying because it turned out to contain toxins. But make no mistake, the release of toxic tear it signifies that he carries toxins from the body and remove it from the eye. 
  5. Reduce stress How crying can reduce stress? Tears also secrete stress hormones found in the body that endorphin leucine-enkaphalin and prolactin. In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure. 
  6. Fostering communication In addition to good physical ill-health, crying also helps a person to wake up with a new spirit and intention. Usually someone in tears after telling the problem on his friends or someone who provides assistance, and this enhances the ability to communicate with more calm. 
  7. Relieve feelings Everyone was like to feel that way. Although you plagued by various problems and trials, but after crying will usually appear a feeling of relief. After crying, the system in the body, brain and heart will be smooth, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Take out the problem in your mind to cry, do not be buried because you can cry with regret.

Weep only because hope despair of Allah and fear Him. Crying is not only making us more calm but also will gain real benefit, so do not hesitate to cry.

 Tarekpukat- Tahajud Prayer is prayer done at night and is a worship that is highly recommended by the Prophet. The recommendations, but aims to draw closer to God also can repel diseases that exist in our bodies.

Messenger of Allah said: "Let you wake up at night, because it is a habit of righteous people before you. The spacecraft approaches the self to God, sin and disease in the body repellent (HR-at-Tirmizi)

From the hadith is clear that by praying tahajud our sins are erased and in addition we esteemed body will be healthier.

Allah also says in Surah Al-Insan, 26:

 ومن اليل فاسجد له وسبحه ليلا طويلا

"And most of the night, then bowed to Him and glorify Him in the long night"

From the logical side, maybe we do not understand that God's commands are auspicious. Indeed prayer tahajud strengthen the faith, the soul, the mental in the face of worldly problems. Then, from the science of treatment, some researchers say that the air of the earth around 03.00 until the rising of the sun is the most abundant oxygen-containing fresh compared to other times. This in because oxygen is descended directly derived from the Earth's atmosphere, and oxygen will not come again until the sun began to shine. At the moment we raise their hands when the Takbiratul Ihram, then the chest cavity enlarges and unconsciously we will breathe oxygen-rich such large quantities, and by the time we are bowing and prostration flow of oxygen-rich blood will circulate to several fulcrum among others hands, feet and head. This is good for brain health and avoid excessive stress that could lead to other diseases.

In addition the flow of blood that carries oxygen to the brain will educate our brain, as well as an answer to why studying in morning or third night is very easy to understand. besides the flow of blood rich in oxygen which is then piped to the lower body will nourish the joint, treat arthritis, healthy hips and lower body the other.

The above finding answer signal that says that religious truth is impossible can be proved scientifically So let us practice the prayers tahajud with precise, sincere and solemn in every night, hopefully we are including the people who get the blessing of God, Amen

Tarekpukat - There are 15 torment for those who abandon Prayer, namely:

6 Torture obtained in this world, namely:
  • There is no blessing in age.
  • Missing face piety in the face.
  • Not going to get a reward of deeds he does.
  • His prayer will not be raised to heaven by Allah.
  • Hated by humans in the world.
  • Not included in the prayers of the believers.

3 Torture obtained at the time of agony, namely:
  • Die in disgrace.
  • Die in a state of very hungry.
  • Die in a state of very thirsty.

3 Torture Obtained at the time in the grave, namely:
  • Collapsable grave by God.
  • Lit a fire in his grave day and night.
  • Accompanied by a large snake that is Suja'ul Aqra

3 Obtained torment on the Day of Judgment, namely:
  • God looked upon her with insights wrath
  • Judged in a very long time and then put into hell.
  • In Torment by angels in hell.

(Sirus Salikin : page. 80 juz II)

Tarekpukat - It is not easy to stay away from the temptation of this one. Devil will never be happy tempt people before they succeeded in temptation. Devils temptation is always faced by man until the man died. Devil will always have a lot of sense as well as steps to make an mired in sin.

If he can not make an associating partners with Allah, then he would drag humanity into sin heavier, one of which is immoral acts or commonly referred to fornication. There are four entrances to fornication that need to be shunned by the man that he was trapped in sin this one.

Here Four Entrance act of Zina we need to know

Allah was so fond of his people. Therefore, he never tired of calling on his people to keep them away from the temptations of the devil that will drop them into the torments of hell. In the Qur'an Allah says, as a Muslim man who clung to his faith, lest he fall into temptation and follow the steps of Satan.

Because when we have become followers of the devil, a person will be required to do some very nasty things. In tempt humans, demons are so patient and do not rush affects every human being. Demons done part by part until finally the man really fall into the pit of sin that brought the devil. then we are here to share with you about the four entrances into fornication by Islam.

1. eye view

The first step towards fornication namely the eye. Starting from view, then the other acts will continue. many things illegitimate seen by humans who would take him in the act of adultery.

2. Fantasy

After seeing and imagining a future. Dream is a thing that comes to the human mind. Because anyone who is not smart set his lust, he will be enslaved by their own lust. If that comes to mind is a disobedience, and though he can not control his thoughts, so it is clear direction of action, ie zina. As well as vice versa, if that comes to his mind is a good thing, so he will do good.

3. words

Pronunciation one certainly describes the situation in his heart. Although seem trivial, incorrect pronunciation would lead to zina in Islam is meant by hostility. The pronunciation is wrong and no good will lead to a feeling equally offended both. This sort of thing is marked accordingly squabbles, fights, even murder. So speak good in order to build harmony that has been fostered.

4. Step to do deeds

Be careful to take the pace of life. Taking a step which forms the real action of a whim. Eyes, dream, words, and then finished with deeds.

Guidelines so Apart from Zina Deeds

So that is not mired in sin, the Prophet Muhammad always warned his people about the zina law in the Qur'an. If all of fornication will be rewarded by Allah along zina is still alive in this world. Prophet said, there are two crimes that will be rewarded by Allah in the world namely, fornication and ungodly parents. Whoever commits zina and seditious in his mother's father, will arrive at her 6 hazards such as the following:
The loss of light from his face
Shorten its age in the world
Enduring poverty
wrath of God
Calculation bad
torments of hell

Got it so terrible dangers to come as a do zina and insubordinate to her parents, she should avoid four entrances fornication as God has been conveyed to him, so he did not follow demons and trapped in sin.

Tarekpukat - Advice to a soft heart is as light in the darkness and can only be accepted by the ox heart and loving home away from immoral to Allah. As a religious man, a person is said to be undergoing a religion if he is able to run the religion wholeheartedly and with sincerity. Let Touch ups of life by not repeating the mistakes of yesterday. Here are some suggestions for a tender heart:
  • Start your day with remembrance in the morning in order to get the victory and deliverance from everything that is not desirable. 
  • Always remembrance so make demons slain. 
  • Always pray because prayer is the guarantee to obtain deliverance and victory. 
  • Remember that each of your words will be written by an angel. 
  • Gorgeous hand is a hand that is always holding a rosary. 
  • Where are experiencing grief and sorrow, the remembrance (pronounce lailahaillallah). 
  • Buy a prayer poor with money (charity) and love them. 
  • Think, before you speak because your mouth is your tiger. 
  • Be careful with the prayers of the oppressed. 
  • Read the Koran before opening novel, newspapers, books, or facebook. 
  • Be you as a role model of family. 
  • Train deceiving to obey God because lust prefer to do that is not good. 
  • Serve beggars and people looking for mercy and you will get the pleasure of Allah. 
  • Your old clothes are new clothes for the poor. 
  • Do not be mad because life is shorter than what we imagine Rest assured that there are substances that together we are stronger than the strongest and there are substances that are richer than the richest, the Ask for help to Him. 
  • Without the need to get something out is the ugliness and setbacks. 
  • Know that the door will be closed with the approval of immorality. 
  • Prayer is the best of helpers in every calamity and disaster. 
  • Stay away from prejudices then we will be safe and quiet. 
  • The cause of anxiety is turning away from God, then do what you are in command of Allah, because then we will never feel abandoned God. 
  • When heard people cursing, then say, 'Fear God' 'Make love only to God and the Prophet. 
  • Forgive your people who swore as he was presented the merits and prayers, reading the Koran, and a remembrance for you. 
  • encouraging someone People who are considering the heat of the fire of hell is far from disobedience of Life, then adorn with the faith life of piety.

Tarekpukat - A scholar who rely on piety to gain the world such facilities are provided special seating in a an assembly, the landscape is prioritized in the cost price of goods when buying something, then that person will not get anything in the hereafter.

Shaikh Abdul Wahab Al-Sha'rani in the book Tanbihul Mughtarrin released a hadith Qudsi, "On the Day of Resurrection, those who riya in science and charitable deeds while claiming the reward will be in charge, 'Is not the world's first people have given you privilege assemblies, have you not got the priorities in world affairs, not the people in the world used to have to cheapen the goods to you when buying something for your wisdom, have you not glorified ... do not ... do not ... etc."

Be careful! Do not let the wisdom that should exalt in heaven even disastrous and destroy themselves in the Day of Judgment. Remember the message of Abu Daud Al-Thayalisi, "There should for pious if they describe a book that instills in his soul, he wants to help religious, rather than expecting the praise of people contemporaries as beautiful delivery."

Tarekpukat - In an event at one of the private television station, there is one event that is the theme of the secret of happiness never end. comes a woman as a resource to be interviewed by a presenter.

When starting an interview, the presenter was asking Is it because he is a good cook? Or because she pretty? Or because she could give birth to many children, or because of what?

The woman then replied: "The secret of happiness of married couples in the hands of his wife. With the help of Allah the merciful. A wife would be able to make his house like a paradise or if it failed also able to make the house as hell ".

"It's not a treasure! Because so many wealthy wife but broke down because of the treasure, left her husband. Nor for kids! Are not many wives was able to bear many children, but her husband does not love her, maybe even divorce her? ".

Very many wives who cook, even capable of cooking up all day but although he often complained of the bad behavior of the husband. "

The presenter was surprised by the woman's answer, he went on the question, "so what?". The woman replied:
"When my husband was angry and explosiveness, I just shut respectfully. I have subjected my head full of flavor meninta sorry. But is not silence that accompanied the taunt view, because men are very savvy to understand that way. "
"Why do not you just get out of the room ..?" Asked the presenter.

The woman immediately replied:
"Do not ever do that, because your husband think you run away and do not listen to him. You need to shut up and accept what he was saying until she calms down ".
"After he calmed down, I told him:" Is it finished? ' then I went out, because he must be tired and needed a break after his anger exploded ". I went out and resume my homework. "

"Then what do you do? Do you stay away? do not talk to him? "asked the presenter curious.
Tarekpukat - In an event at one of the private television station, there is one event that is the theme of the secret of happiness never end. comes a woman as a resource to be interviewed by a presenter.

When starting an interview, the presenter was asking Is it because he is a good cook? Or because she pretty? Or because she could give birth to many children, or because of what?

The woman then replied: "The secret of happiness of married couples in the hands of his wife. With the help of Allah the merciful. A wife would be able to make his house like a paradise or if it failed also able to make the house as hell ".

"It's not a treasure! Because so many wealthy wife but broke down because of the treasure, left her husband. Nor for kids! Are not many wives was able to bear many children, but her husband does not love her, maybe even divorce her? ".

Very many wives who cook, even capable of cooking up all day but although he often complained of the bad behavior of the husband. "

The presenter was surprised by the woman's answer, he went on the question, "so what?". The woman replied:
"When my husband was angry and explosiveness, I just shut respectfully. I have subjected my head with a full sense of apology. But is not silence that accompanied the taunt view, because men are very savvy to understand that way. "
"Why do not you just get out of the room ..?" Asked the presenter.

The woman immediately replied:
"Do not ever do that, because your husband think you run away and do not listen to him. You need to shut up and accept what he was saying until she calms down ".
"After he calmed down, I told him:" Is it finished? ' then I went out, because he must be tired and needed a break after his anger exploded ". I went out and resume my homework. "

"Then what do you do? Do you stay away? do not talk to him? "asked the presenter curious.

She continued: "You do not do that, because it is a bad habit. It will host a weapon that eat you. When you stay away from him and he wanted to apologize to you, then avoid it'll make it back angry. Maybe even more than before. "

"So what do you do", the presenter asked curious.

"After two hours or so, I brought him a glass of juice or whatever his favorite and I told him 'Please drink'. I know he definitely needs it, so I talked to him as if nothing had happened before. "

"Are you angry with him.?" Said presenter to face in amazement.

The woman said: "No .. And that's when my husband started apologizing to me and he spoke in a soft voice."

"And you believe him ..?" Said the presenter.

The woman replied: "Yes. Certainly. Because I believe in myself and I'm not a fool. Do you want me to trust him when he was angry and did not believe him when he quiet? "" And what about your pride? "Interrupted the presenter. "My pride is in my husband's approval and the goodness of our relationship. true between husband and wife there is no such thing as self-esteem. Price yourself what else you adorable? Whereas in front of your husband, you have rescued all your clothes! "
She continued: "You do not do that, because it is a bad habit. It will host a weapon that eat you. When you stay away from him and he wanted to apologize to you, then avoid it'll make it back angry. Maybe even more than before. "

"So what do you do", the presenter asked curious.

"After two hours or so, I brought him a glass of juice or whatever his favorite and I told him 'Please drink'. I know he definitely needs it, so I talked to him as if nothing had happened before. "

"Are you angry with him.?" Said presenter to face in amazement.

The woman said: "No .. And that's when my husband started apologizing to me and he spoke in a soft voice."

"And you believe him ..?" Said the presenter.

The woman replied: "Yes. Certainly. Because I believe in myself and I'm not a fool. Do you want me to trust him when he was angry and did not believe him when he quiet? "" And what about your pride? "Interrupted the presenter. "My pride is in my husband's approval and the goodness of our relationship. true between husband and wife there is no such thing as self-esteem. Price yourself what else you adorable? Whereas in front of your husband, you have rescued all your clothes! "

Tarekpukat- characteristics of a good friend is someone who has diligently nature, wara ', to be honest, and easy to understand the problem.
While not a good friend is someone who has the nature lazy, unemployed, talkative, disruptive and fond of slander.

Nasr bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim As-Samarqandi At-Tuzy Al-Balkhy a jurist and a mystic who ever dreamed of meeting with the Holy Prophet were distinguished by the name of Abu Layth, providing advice very valuable on the subject of friendship, he said: "Whoever sits with eight groups, Allah will exaggerate them eight cases. That is:

1.  Sitting down with the rich, overbid love and love to the world.
2.  Sitting with indigent people, will arise gratitude and pleasure of the division of Allah.
3.  Sitting with the sultan, hearts grow hard and arrogant.
4.  Sitting with women, God will add to him ignorance and lust.
5.  Sitting with small children, will increase jest (joke).
6.  Sitting down with the wicked, increasingly bold sinner and procrastinate repentance.
7.  Sitting with the righteous, will grow fond of doing obedience.
8.  Sitting with scholars, will increase science and charity.

Thus the eight cases mentioned by Abu Layth, then it is appropriate for people of understanding to be more careful in the mix, in order to survive the world and the hereafter.

  Reference: Abdurrahman bin Husein Umar Ba'lawi, Bughyah al-Mustarsyidin, pages. 5

Tarekpukat - The Friends Muslims of all, this time we will give you an information that can be useful for all of us, which is about three cases must be hastened by every Muslim.

3 This case should not be delayed by the delay them Muslims to hasten it, because the Prophet Muhammad would bequeath three matters that every Muslim must hasten. Is not permissible for them to delay, postpone.

As a following hadith, the Prophet SAW said:

"O Ali, there are three things you should not be delayed, the prayer when it came time to implement them, the bodies when they are present, and the lady if there is already a suitable candidate for her husband."

1. Prayer timely

Prophet Muhammad taught each of his community to always be able to pray on time, because if a Muslim prayer time is right, then the other work will be done properly and regularly, if the prayer is still a mess then all his activities will be disrupted.

How busy our work, if the prayer time has come, should we meet the first call to worship Him.

2. bury our dead

The bodies need to be taken care of and fed back immediately. Do not delay, preferably immediately washed, shrouded, in prayer and buried. In one hadith mentioned why should speed up the burial, if he's observant means we accelerate he met his favor, whereas if he is a sinner means we accelerate its innocent of defamation.

Expedite the bodies of these things must be Muslim to carry out, because it has consequences of its own, the reason is very logical to expedite the corpse is because if we expedite the corpse then if he's a good person it will make it to get enjoyment, and if he belonging to the sinner he will soon be free of her slander. it is based on a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.

3. Marrying a woman who has come soul mate

Prophet recommends that parents soon marry his daughter if there has been a mature man who proposed to her. According to many scholars, it is cooked in religious matters. In line with another hadith that explains that if there is a godly man who came to apply for acceptance or will there be of slander and damage that occur on earth.

So, make a friend of the Islamic world who have a daughter, if it comes her match then do not delay to be married soon.

Tarekpukat - Ainul Mardhiah is a most beautiful angel in heaven that God has created for the martyrs who fought in God's cause. In language Ainul Mardhiah means eye approves. Or any views who saw it will find contentment in the liver. Ainul Mardhiah tale narrated in the hadith of the Prophet Tarmidzi.ra history.

When morning in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet was giving targhib (spirit to fight) to the Islamic forces. The Prophet also said, "Those who were martyred for jihad in Allah's way, then God will confer Ainul Mardhiah, the most beautiful angel in heaven". One young friend who heard the story became curious. However, because of embarrassment to the Prophet and other friends, friends are not so find out more about the Ainul Mardhiah.

Noon time soon, according sunna of the Prophet, the companions are welcome to sleep for a while before going to war. Together caravan war was this one friend sleeping soundly and to dream. In the dream he was in a very beautiful place he had never visited before. He also met a very beautiful woman he had never seen before.

He also asked the woman, "Where is this?".

"This is heaven.", Replied the woman.

The friend then asked, "Do you Ainul Mardhiah?".

"No, I am not Ainul Mardhiah. If you want to meet with Ainul Mardhiah, he was under the shade of a tree."

He found by a friend of the woman whose beauty many times that of the first woman he saw.

"Do you Ainul Mardhiah?"

"I did not have guards. If you want a meeting that is where his throne."

Then this friend went to the throne and came to a mahligai (throne angel). He found a woman whose beauty folds of the woman before being wiped-wipe jewelry. This friend also ventured to ask.

"Do you Ainul Mardhiah?"

"No, I am not Ainul Mardhiah. I guard in this mahligai. If you want to see her, see her in mahligai it."

The young man was moved and came to mahligai shown. He found a woman whose beauty folds of the woman before, and very shy. The young man was asked.

"Do you Ainul Mardhiah?"

"Yes, I Ainul Mardhiah"

The young man was approaching, but Ainul Mardhiah dodge and said, "You are not martyrs."

Immediately the young man woke up from his dream. He also told this story to a friend belief petitioned to keep it secret until he was martyred. Curiosity fighting was tempestuous. This friend was enthusiastically strove to meet with Ainul Mardhiah. He was finally martyred.

In the evening when breaking fast, pal tells the belief that the dream companions to the Prophet's martyrdom. The Prophet also confirmed young friend's dream and the Prophet said, "Now he happily together Ainul Mardhiah"

Tarekpukat - Life makes us easily knocked multi-complex "disease" strange and difficult to overcome, either by themselves or immune drugs. Then how tricks to keep us healthy without having to frequently seek treatment? It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems capable of protecting the body against disease, it is if the system works! Sometimes love is not an error? If it were so, so so be it! We are forced treatment. However, there is no harm in trying a variety of healthy living tips to prevent disease without depending on drugs. Everywhere, it is better to prevent than cure.

Here are some tips Healthy Living without treatment that we can apply in their daily lives. :

1. Not eating before hunger and moderation in eating.
This lifestyle is applied by the Prophet and this could indeed and very suitable to be applied and used as a model by the people today. This is evidenced by various statements from medical experts. What the Prophet practiced in 1400 of the last century has been proven scientifically to the advancement of science.

2. Sit when they wanted a drink
When the Prophet always feel thirsty to drink water to sit first. This is also proven scientifically healthy and when we drink water with the position still stands there will be a valve that is not ready to accept the water pressure and when seated valve is open and ready to receive water.

3. Eat with your right hand
Eat with your right hand is also a healthy lifestyle. When eaten using the right hand, the active is left brain left brain where nature is always organized in thinking. Meanwhile, when fed using active then the left hand is a right brain which has a random nature and the imagination. So eat with the left hand is considered less suited according to a study.

4. Do not blow out the food / beverage hot.
Ibn Abbas narrated "The Messenger of Allah forbade breathed into the beverage vessel or blow". (Scientifically, when breathed into the drinks, we will remove carbon dioxide (CO2), which when mixed with water (H2O), will be H2CO3 or together with vinegar, causing the drink becomes acidic (acidic). When this habit lasted for long periods can damage the kidneys performance and can increase the risk of heart attack.

5. Do not sleep after dawn.
Sleeping after Fajr proved to be a source of disease in our body, one aspect that could be imitated from the Pharaoh is a habit that does not sleep at dawn,

so he rarely contracted the disease. Fir'aun not sleep after dawn, how about you?

6. Sleeping kailulah namely nap before time dzuhur
Kailulah sleep circumcised by the Prophet because it can help and strengthen a person to wake up and pray at night, and can improve quality of life towards the better. Prophet Muhammad practiced kailulah sleep, and ordered to all the friends and all of his people in order to practice it.

7. Read the Quran
Dr. Al-Qadhi, through his research on the Great Clinic Florida United States, proved that just by listening to the reading passages from the Koran, a Muslim both those who speak Arabic or not, can feel a huge physiological changes.

Decreased depression, grief, gain peace of mind, ward off various diseases are common effects of perceived people who became the object of research. Research Dr. Al-Qadhi is also strengthened by another study done by a different doctor. In a research report submitted by the Conference of Islamic Medical North America in 1984, is mentioned, the Koran proved able to bring tranquility to 97% for those who listen.

8. Fasting Monday-Thursday
Fasting twice or more a week were able to avoid obesity and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is incurable, disease brain damage is already killing almost over 35 million people, but the prevention of this disease could be done. One way is by fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, fasting is also able to prevent breast cancer and diabetes, as written by Michael Mosley.

9. Take a shower before fajr
Shower before entering the fajr proved to have tremendous benefits for health. specialists in skin and venereal mention that the morning shower can awaken the sleeping body in which the body's metabolism is slowing. Likened to wake machine that initially slow then raised. Body temperature will be elevated achieve stability. Heart became motivated to get up, adrenaline increases, blood vessels become more fluent to move so that blood flow in the body to be very good, including the flow to the skin so the skin looks fresher.

10. Cut the nail on Thursday and Friday.
This is in accordance with the words of the Prophet: "He who cut his nails on Thursday, it will come out of it is diseased and sign him Al-'Afiah (health and healing)".

Thus 10 methods maintain health as it has been taught and practiced by the Prophet. Good luck, hopefully you can pick a lesson.

Tarekpukat - One time, a prime minister of the caliph Harun al-Rashid, al-Ashma'i go hunting with some companions. Because too busy chasing the prey animal, she had separated from the group of his friends and lost in the barren deserts, because animals are hunted agile enough to run away from the herd. Because al-Ashma'i kept chasing him, he lost track of his prey, worse still he lost track of his companions.

When the sun is just above the top of his head, then choked her thirst. From a distance, his eyes fixed on a tent. He tried rubbing his eyes, his eyes may imply only a mere mirage. Yes, indeed a tent is. He galloped toward the camp. Arriving there, he met with the owner of the camp, which was in fact a pretty beautiful young woman.

Because of thirst, al-Ashma'i ask for water to the young woman. Then the woman said, "There is a bit of water, but I'm prepared just for my husband. But there is still a little water from the drink, if you are willing, take ".

Shortly after al-Ashma'i drinking water provision was the beautiful woman, her face suddenly seemed happy. From a distance looks a cloud of dust from the hooves.

"My husband has come," says the woman.

The woman was rushed back into the tent, while al-Ashma'i just look at the pretty woman preparing drinking and cleaning cloth. Eh, the husband of the woman it is the old man ugly and scary. And not only that, look at the wife who gives drink to his foreign guests, he unceasingly rebuked the wife with dirty words. Then al-Ashma'i trying to calm the old man. However, the man did not care about, instead he went to step into the tent to rest, due to exhaustion mounted

Beautiful woman he'd been the only silent, without reply rant husband. No word out of his mouth. Instead, the woman was actually cleaning the feet of her husband, then handed a drink with full keta'dziman and led very gently into the tent.

After the old man really had slept soundly, al-Ashma'i ask permission for her to come back for traces of his friend, in order to find their way home. And before moving, he asked the woman, "You are young, beautiful, and very loyal to her husband. Rarely do I find a woman like you. Why do you sacrifice yourself just to serve the elderly man's depraved? ".

The woman was silent for a moment. Then give an answer, which surprised al-Ashma'i. Never previously suspected, the woman replied, "Messenger of Allah said that religion consists of two parts; gratitude and patience. I thank God who has granted me youthfulness, beauty and protection. God has led me to always remember that. I have performed a half of my religion. Therefore, I want to complete my religion to carry out the other half, namely patient (bear the tyranny of her husband) ".

It was noble woman, behold Allah  provides three rewards for those who are patient: Welfare in the next world, God's mercy and compassion, and guidance in the face of difficulties it faces.

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who patiently, people who, when misfortune befalls, they say: "Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun". They are getting a perfect blessing and mercy from their Lord, and they are the ones that receive guidance. " (Surah Al Baqarah: 155-157).

Subhanallah, if I were a woman, I can not necessarily get patience like that. may increase our patience. Amen

Illustration Devil
Tarekpukat - In a hadith narrated: "Verily Devil  came and sat down on one's head servant (who is about to breathe death) and the devil said to him:

"If you want regardless of this difficulty abandon this religion and say that God exists two".

At that time a servant in worry and fear are very large. Therefore we cry and degrading Always be yourself to God and get up at midnight to reproduce bowing and prostration to be saved from the punishment of Allah.

Imam Abu Hanifah was once asked: "Is it a sin most feared could eliminate faith?" He replied: "Do not be grateful for the faith, leaving the fear of death, and do despotic to others. So, a person in whose hearts there are three of these properties, usually he dies in a state of kufr, except those who earn a fortune".

The most pain is felt servant is thirst and burning heart, at that time what the devil has a great chance to eliminate one's faith, because it is very thirsty, incubus when it comes to bringing ice water and move it. Then saith the Faithful: "Give me some water", he did not know that it devil. Then the devil said: "Say nothing created the universe, then you will I give the water". If the person is lucky he did not answer.

Then the devil came on the soles of his feet and moving the water, the believers say: "Give me some water." Satan says: "Say Prophet Muhammad was a liar, then you will I give water". If people are wretched he would obey Satan because impatient with thirst, then he will come out of the world in disbelievers (may Allah protect us from such things). And if the person is lucky, he would refuse the devil because he knows what the consequences.

As has told the story of Abu Zakaria al-Zahidi when facing death, his friend came while he was facing death's door and taught him the sentence tayyibah "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad ur Rasulullah". But he looked away and did not want to pray, then repeated for the second time but he still looked away and did not want to say it. Repeated for the third time and Abu Zakaria said: "I would not say it". Then he too fainted in front of his friends. After Abu Zakria conscious of that moment and feel the swoon light, he opened his eyes and said to them: "Did you say something to me?". They replied: "Yes, we teach
confession 3 times, and you turn away twice and said at times that to three:" I would not say it ".

Abu Zakaria said: "I attended the demon that took the place of water and sat down next to my right while moving the point of water, and he said to me:" Do you need water? "I said:" Yes. "He said again:" Say Jesus, son of God. "I turned away from him. Then the devil came on my feet and told me like that and for the third time he said:" say God is two. "I also say:" I'm not going to say it. "Then the devil slammed the place of the water and ran away. "I said no to the devil not refuse you. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger. "

It was narrated from Mansoor bin Ammar, he said: "When a person is near death, the situation is divided into five (5) sections, namely:

1. A treasure for his heir
2. Soul for the angel of death.
3. Meat for earthworms.
4. Bone to the ground.
5. An advantage for the enemies and devils that will eliminate faith.

Then Mansur bin Ammar said again: "If the heirs go to bring the treasure, then the angel of death to go to bring the spirit, earthworms go bring the meat, and the enemy bring good it is okay (it's okay). But do not let a vicious bring faith (separating us with the Islamic religion). Because of the separation of the soul with the body of it is in fact not parted with god and nobody knows after that. So it would harm people who have lost faith. May we include those who survived the faith. Amen.



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