Tarekpukat - Prostration is one of the pillars in the prayer. 

That means our prayers will not be valid if without kneeling. Prostration is not just a mere ritual prayers. Behind the command prostration, it turns out God save the various benefits and wisdom in it.
Even prostration be the closest position between a servant to his Lord.

"The shortest distance of a servant to his Lord is when the servant was prostrate. Then, multiply prayer during prostration. "(Muslim, from Abu Hurairah friend)

In addition to being a closest position of a servant and his Lord, prostrate has tremendous benefits. Dr Fidelma O 'Leary example, Phd (Neuroscience) from St. Edward's University, as neurological (neurologist), Ireland's bloody woman notices that certain neurons in the human brain, which is only occasionally entered the blood.

 When blood is not entered at all, it will cause serious harm to human health. That's needed to enter a routine activity of blood to the nerves that. And it was a routine activity of prostration in Muslim prayer.

This was reinforced by statements Prof Hembing, who found the heart, is only able to supply 20% of the blood into the human brain. To meet the need of blood to the brain, then humans need routine prostration.

After knowing the benefits and wisdom of the prostration, should we not hurry in lifting our heads when prostration. Enjoy your method of supplication. Enjoy the moments in which you are so close to your Lord.